Ethel Bernstein (Этель Бернштейн)
Born 1898, Russia. Garment worker. Migrated to US 1911. Became anarchist circa 1917; joined Jewish anarchist Frayhayt Group, along with partner, Samuel Lipman. Arrested New York 1919 for distributing copies of The Anarchist Soviet Bulletin. Admitted anarchism, but denied belonging to URW and refused to answer further questions. November 1919 led hunger strike on Ellis Island to protest conditions. Deported on the Buford. In 1920, worked for the People’s Commissariat Foreign Affairs Department. 1921 reunited with Samuel Lipman, deported from US with Jacob Abrams et al. 1930s Lipman killed in Stalin’s purges; 1940s Bernstein’s son killed in Second World War; unknown date Bernstein sentenced to ten years hard labor in Soviet prison camp.
INS file 54616/115
See also: Paul Avrich, Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America
Yakov Berov (Яков Беров, Jacob Berov, aka Jocob Byra)
Born 1891, Russia. Laborer. Wife and son in Russia. Migrated alone to US 1913. Joined Union of Russian Workers 1919; secretary of Monessen, Pennsylvania URW branch. Arrested 1919; deported on the Buford. Subsequent activities unknown.
INS file 54709/479
Isidoro Bertazzon (Bertason)
Born 1891, Treviso, Italy. Radical in Italy. Migrated to US 1907; laborer. Anarchist; member of Seattle’s Circolo di Studi Sociali, distributed Cronaca Sovversiva. Narrowly evaded arrest November 25, 1917. “Voluntary return” via Canada early 1921. 1922 immigrated to Australia, where he edited numerous anarchist and antifascist newspapers. Died 1940.
CPC busta 551
See also: Gianfranco Cresciani, “Exploitation, Emigration and Anarchism: The Case of Isidoro Alessandro Bertazzon,” Altreitalie, no. 46 (June 2013)
Fedor Biacharsky (Федор Бячарский, Frank Biacharski)
Born 1885, Kupyn, Russia (present-day Ukraine). Laborer. Migrated to US 1914 (via Canada); wife in Russia. Joined Youngstown, Ohio branch of Union of Russian Workers 1919. Arrested November 1919 in Palmer Raids. Deported on the Buford. Subsequent activities unknown.
INS file 54709/208; FBI file OG 380612
Pietro Bianchi
Born 1882, Isola Fano, Italy. Mason; laborer until lost an eye; fish peddler; co-op manager. Anarchist. Migrated to US 1907. Married. Member, Circolo Studi Sociali of Milwaukee. Arrested 1917 after Italian anarchist “riot.” Deported December 1919. In Italy became a baker and remained under government surveillance until 1940, but no political activity noted after his arrival.
INS file 54235/64; CPC busta 621
See also: Dean A. Strang, Worse than the Devil: Anarchists, Clarence Darrow, and Justice in a Time of Terror
Nadia Bianki (Надя Бианки)
Born Russia, 1895. To US 1913. An anarchist since 1914. Joined URW 1918. Wife of deportee Peter Bianki. Son, Peter, born in New York 1917. Deported to Russia, February 26, 1921.
INS file 55009/15
Peter Bianki (Петр Бианки, Bianki/Bianky, Peter Bianchi)
Born 1891, Odessa, Russia (present-day Ukraine), to Italian parents (the Bianchis). Laborer; metal worker; printer. Migrated to US 1913. Joined Union of Russian Workers after its formation in 1914 and became one of its leading figures. Elected URW Secretary January 1919, and then editor of its newspaper Khleb i Volia. Wife and son in US. Arrested New York in February 1919. Deported on the Buford. In Russia, joined the Communist Party and worked in a variety of positions for the Soviet government. In 1928 relocated to Siberia to direct a grain requisition squad; killed in an armed peasant uprising March 1930 and celebrated as a Communist martyr.
INS file 54616/115
See also: Malcolm Archibald, “Peter Bianki: The Soviet Years,” Kate Sharpley Library,