Zachary Shardov (Захарий Шардов; Sharkoff)
Deported to Russia, January 21, 1921.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 54325/36G
Nicholas Shattovaleff
Deported to Russia, January 27, 1922.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 54325/36G
Stepan Shatuka (Степан Шатука; Stephen)
Born 1888, Mogilev region, Russia (present-day Belarus). Migrated to US 1914. 1918 joined the Union of Russian Workers in Seattle. Arrested during the second Palmer Raids, January 1920. When asked what the URW stood for, replied, “To destroy to the power of the capitalists…By a world wide revolution.” Original warrant for deportation listed Poland as his destination; he successfully petitioned to have it changed to Russia. Deported January 22, 1921.
INS file 54861/28
John Sheehan
Born 1863, Roscommon, Ireland. Construction worker; lumber worker. Migrated to US 1904. 1917 joined the IWW; became an organizer and delegate. Arrested January 1918 in Yakima, Washington. Denied British citizenship, declaring, “I never owed allegiance to England; I was a native of Great Britain in my boyhood, but when I came here I…no longer belonged to that.” Deported February 27, 1919.
INS file 54379/54
Gordei Sheika (George Schaiko, Гордей Шейка)
Born 1883, Streli, Russia (present-day Belarus). Metalworker. Migrated to US 1912. Wife and three children in Russia. Joined the Union of Russian Workers in New Castle, Pennsylvania. Also a member of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers and participated in the 1919 steel strike as an employee at the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company. Deported on the Buford.
INS files 54709/546 and 54616/116; FBI file OG 378918
Mikail Sheleg (Микаил Шелег; Shelef)
Born 1893, Minsk, Russia (present-day Belarus). Printer. Year of migration to US unknown. Joined the Communist Party of America in Bayonne, New Jersey, 1919. Arrested during the second Palmer Raids, January 1920. Deported December 23, 1920.
See: Morning Post (Camden NJ), December 23, 1920;
Nestor Mikhailovich Sheleg (Нестор Михайлович Шелег; Nasto; Michaelovich)
Born 1895, Minsk, Russia (present-day Belarus). Migrated to US 1914. 1919 joined the Union of Russian Workers in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Employed at Singer Sewing Machine Company. Arrested during first Palmer Raids, November 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/393