Peter Urkevich (Петр Уркевич; Urkevitch; Yurkovics; Yurkewicz; aka John Jorkevits)
Born unknown year , Minsk, Russia (present-day Belarus). Shirt presser. Migrated to US 1913. Wife and two children in Russia. 1919 joined Branch No. 1 of the Union of Russian Workers in Philadelphia. Federal agents claimed he was treasurer of the branch; he claimed to be illiterate. Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 7, 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/212; FBI file OG 378953
Josip Vargo (Joseph; Varga; aka Jospeh Vasek)
Born 1881, Zákány, Austria-Hungary (present-day Hungary). Grew up in Croatia; Croatian speaker. Steelworker. Migrated to US 1913. Wife and three children in Croatia. 1916 joined the South Slavic Branch of the Socialist Party of America in Youngstown, Ohio; 1919 transferred into the Communist Party of America. Participated in 1919 steel strike at Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company. Arrested February, 1920. Deported to Yugoslavia, September 1, 1920.
INS file 54861/122
Angelo Varricchio
Born 1892 near Naples, Italy. Migrated to US 1910. Tailor. Joined the IWW and the syndicalist Federazione Socialista Italiana in Utica, New York; secretary of FSI branch. Arrested 1916 for protesting trial of Carlo Tresca. Arrested November 11, 1918 and December 18, 1918 after a music teacher adjacent to his workplace reported him for “seditious utterances.” Deported to Italy March 27, 1919.
Italian authorities noted no political activity after his deportation.
INS file 54517/90; CPC busta 5327
See also: New York Call, March 28, 1919
Vasiliy Vaschuk (Василий Ващук; Wasily Waschuk; aka Porify Silkuko; Proify Silnko)
Born 1892, Volhynia region, Russia. Laborer. Migrated to US 1913. Wife in Russia. October 1919 joined Branch No. 1 of the Union of Russian Workers in Philadelphia. Arrested in the first Palmer Raids, November 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/330
Mikhail Vaseyko (Михаил Васейко; Michael; Wassiko; Vaseiko; Mike Vsiko)
Born 1890, Volhynia region, Russia. Laborer. Migrated to Canada 1913; from there migrated to US 1916. Wife and child in Russia. Member of the Union of Russian Workers branch in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 20, 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/388; FBI file OG 8000-133915
Zachary Vaseyko (Захарий Васейко; Zach Wasciki)
Born 1886, Pidhorodna, Volynia, Russia (present-day Ukraine). Laborer. Migrated to Canada 1913; from there to the US in 1916. Wife and three children in Russia. Inconclusive evidence that he was a member of the Union of Russian Workers in Hartford, Connecticut, though he did attend several of its meetings and signed up for its automobile school. Arrested in raid on Hartford URW hall November 25, 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/398
Iosif Vasilenko (Иосиф Василенко; Joseph; Joe; Wassilenko)
Born 1881, Kiev Governorate, Russia (present-day Ukraine). Machinist. Migrated to US 1907; returned to Russia 1912; again migrated to US 1913. Wife and child in Russia. Twice arrested during 1919 strike at American Brass Company in Ansonia, Connecticut. Arrested again during the first Palmer Raids, November 7, 1919. Authorities claimed he belonged to the Union of Russian Workers, but he denied this and claimed he belonged only to the Socialist Party of America. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/236; FBI file OG 379009
Nikolai Vasilyev (Николай Васильев; Nicholas; Wasilieff; aka Adam Vlasoff)
Born 1883, Podolian Governorate, Russia (present-day Ukriane). Ukrainian. Sailor. Already an anarchist in Russia. Migrated to US 1912. Joined Branch No. 1 of the Union of Russian Workers in New York; says he quit the URW because it “does not consist of anarchists, but merely of people who want education.” Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 11, 1919. Stated, “I believe that the history of government is the history of organized burglary.” Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/99
Konstantin Vasiliuk (Константин Василюк)
Born Russia (present-day Ukraine). Ukrainian. Laborer. Married to deportee Maria Vasiliuk. Four American-born children, ages two weeks to four years in January 1921. Member of the Communist Party of America in Coal Run, Pennsylvania. Deported to Russia, February 26, 1921.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 55110/4
Maria Vasiliuk (Мария Василюк; Mary)
Born c.1895, Lviv (Lemburg), Russia (present-day Ukraine). Ukrainian. Migrated to US 1915. Housewife. Married to deportee Konstntin Vasiliuk. Four American-born children, ages two weeks to four years in January 1921. Member of the Communist Party of America in Coal Run, Pennsylvania. Deported to Russia, February 26, 1921.
IINS file 54885/74
Stefan Vasiluk (Стефан Василук; Stephan; Wasiluk)
Born c.1892, Saratov, Russia. Migrated to US 1916. Laborer. Joined of the Union of Russian Workers in New York around 1917. Admitted to holding anarchist beliefs and agreeing with the ideas of Peter Kropotkin. Arrested February 1920. Deported January 22, 1921.
INS file 54861/133
Vasily Vasilyevich (Василий Васильевич; Wasilly; Wasilewics; Wasylewics; Wasylevicz)
Deported to Russia, October 2, 1920.
Included on lists of deported radicals in INS file 54325/36G and FBI file BS 202600-33
Stanley Vazenas
Laborer. Deported to Russia, February 26, 1921.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 55110/4