George Schwartzwalder (Schwartz; Schwartzwaldez; Schwartzwalden)
Born 1882, Baden, Germany. Laborer. Circa 1897 migrated to Austria, then Russia and Italy; returned to Germany and served three years in the German Army; became sailor between Germany and Argentina. Migrated to US 1910. Migrant worker. Joined IWW December 1918 in Kansas City, Missouri, but a sympathizer since 1915. Personal friend of IWW songwriter Joe Hill. 1918 registered as an “enemy alien.” Arrested February, 1919 in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and interrogated by Bureau of Investigation agent for five hours, then released; March 1919 in Muskogee, Oklahoma; lost 30-40 pounds in unsanitary conditions of the Muskogee City Prison. “He stated he hated the Kaiser for the reason that he represented the capitalist class in Germany and that he would not fight for the Kaiser, that he would not fight for any country, that he felt no patriotism for any country.” Deported January 7, 1920.
INS file 54616/107; FBI files OG 211405 and 346328
Stepan Schwetz (Stephen; Shwetz; Shoetz)
Born c.1885, Russia. Migrated to US 1912 (deserted from the SS Czar). Tailor. Joined the Russian Branch of the Socialist Party in Baltimore, then transferred into the Communist Party. Wife in Baltimore. Deported to Russia February 1, 1921.
INS file 54810/337
George Sechke (Георгий Сечке; Sechko)
Member of the Communist Party of America in New York. Deported to Russia, December 23, 1920.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 54325/36G
See also: Minneapolis Star, December 27, 1920
Vasily Sedov (Василий Седов; Vasil Sedoff)
Born 1885, Russia. Already a radical in Russia. Migrated to US 1913. Wife and child in Russia. Member of the Union of Russian Workers in Seattle, Washington. Deported to Russia January 22, 1921.
INS file 54860/408; FBI file OG 386687
Mike Seegan (Semon; Michael Seegunoff)
Born Orlovo, Russia, 1889. Carpenter; machinist; upholsterer. Migrated to US 1913. Joined the Union of Russian Workers in New York in 1919. Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/113
Mike Ivanovich Selovieve
Deported to Russia, January 22, 1921. No further information found.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 54325/36G
Feodor Semenchuk (Frank)
Born 1895, Grodno Governorate, Russia (present-day Belarus). Migrated to US 1913. Factory worker. Secretary of Russian Branch No. 6 of the Communist Party in Argo, Illinois. Arrested Chicago, January 1920. Deported March 18, 1921.
INS file 54860/596; FBI file OG 375725
Andy Sereck (Andrew; Sirik; Savick)
Born 1885, Vilna Governorate, Russia. Metelworker. Migrated to Canada 1913; from there migrated to US 1916. Wife and child in Russia. Allegedly admitted to joining the Union of Russian Workers in Youngstown, Ohio in August 1919, but later denied this. Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 1919. Deported on the basis of his admitted belief in “sabotage.” Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/185
Alexander Serevetnik (Александр Сереветник)
Born 1892, “Village of Rodzehov,” Russia. Laborer. Migrated to US 1913. Member of the Union of Russian Workers branch in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Arrested during the first Palmer Raids, November 1919. Deported on the Buford.
INS file 54709/411
Ivan Sergeyenko (Иван Сергеенко; John)
Born 1888, Russia. Migrated to US 1913. Laborer. Member of the Union of Russian Workers branch in Donora, Pennsylvania. Wife in Russia. Allegedly betrayed by former URW member Stefan Zhuk, after Zhuk was arrested in Donora for stealing chickens. (Neither his INS file nor his FBI file confirm this, although he was identified by an undercover Bureau of Investigation agent, Michael Yankovitch.) Arrested in possession of URW literature and reportedly “beaten half to death” by police. Tried and convicted under Pennsylvania sedition law. Deported February 26, 1921.
INS file 54885/31; FBI file OG 389087
See also: Volna (New York), May 1921 (with thanks to Malcolm Archibald)
Evdokin Sergeyshik (Евдокин Сергейшик; Efdokin; Sargeychik)
Laborer. Deported to Russia, February 26, 1921. No further information found.
Included on list of deported radicals in INS file 55110/4
Salvatore Sergi
Born 1890, Melito di Porto Salvo, Italy. Tailor; barber. Migrated to US 1912. Anarchist; subscriber to Luigi Galleani’s Cronaca Sovversiva. Opened his own barbershop in Trenton, New Jersey. Arrested May, 1918. Described himself as a “philosophical anarchist” and insisted “I do not think I am a dangerous man. I do not believe in violation. I believe in educating the people by teaching, preaching and by schools but not by violence…I have a natural instinct against violence.” Deported June 14, 1919.
Italian government noted no political activity up through 1936. In 1937 he was jailed for alleged involvement in the murder of one Vincenzo Mallamo. In 1968 he contributed funds to the anarchist magazine Volontà.
INS file 54379/326; CPC busta 4759